Santa Claus For You
Visits with Santa in English or Spanish, including posed and spontaneous photos with Santa
Storytime with Santa
Gift distribution (your own, or provided by Santa for an additional fee)
Themed Visits (including Adult Only parties)
Colleges and Fraternal Organizations
Visits in Santa's special pink outfit
Letters or phone calls from Santa
And many more...
Have another idea for Santa? Ask away!
Our rates depend on factors including number of hours, number of clients, location of venue, etc... and are very competitive. Tell Santa your budget, and let him work with you to create the perfect visit!
Santa loves to travel around the Southeast, but his reindeer ask for special treats if they are flying farther than 25 miles outside of the Pensacola, FL metro area. Therefore, Santa requires a small travel fee based on distance.
Santa will arrive at your event ready to go. He asks for one person to be responsible for assisting him to ensure everyone at the party gets a chance to visit with him.